Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County Constitution
We, the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County, in order to stimulate in young people an active interest in governmental affairs and promote their involvement at all levels of the Democratic Party, to promote the acquisition of political power by young people, to foster the ideals and principles of the highest degree of justice and social welfare, do associate ourselves together and establish this Constitution.
Article I
Name and Affiliation
Section 1.1 Definition. The name of this organization shall be the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County Democrats, hereafter referred to as YDARC.
Section 1.2 Affiliation. YDARC will be chartered and affiliated with the Young Democrats of Georgia (YDG) and endeavor to carry on the work of YDG in Augusta-Richmond County. Through its affiliation with YDG, YDARC shall also be affiliated with the Young Democrats of America (YDA.) The Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County seek a cooperative relationship with the Georgia, Richmond County, and local Democratic Party Committees and shall be guided by the actions of the Democratic Party assembled in state or national convention.
Article II
Section 2.1 Eligibility. Membership in the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County shall be open to any Democrat who resides in Richmond County, who has not yet turned forty years old. The YDARC shall not restrict membership or participation on any basis other than age, political affiliation, and residence.
Section 2.2 Dues. YDARC members are required to pay an annual membership fee of ten dollars, except in the case of financial hardship, and to provide an address, birth date, phone number, and email address (if available.) Dues are valid for one calendar year from the time initial dues were paid.
Section 2.3. The Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County, in keeping with the ideals of equal participation, shall endeavor to increase the membership of women and diverse populations.
Article III
Section 3.1 Elected Officials. The officers of the YDARC shall be the President, the Executive Vice President, the Communications Director, the Finance Director, and the Community Action Director. The officers listed in this section shall be referred to as the Executive Committee.
Section 3.2. Powers and Duties of the President. The President shall be the chief administrative officer of the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County. The President shall encourage and direct participation of members in YDG and local and statewide senior Democratic Party activities. The President shall be the chief representative of the YDARC to the YDG Regional Director. The President shall serve as delegation chair of the YDARC delegation to the State YDG Convention. The President shall direct the implementation of policies adopted and authorized by the YDARC membership. The President shall be the chief representative of YDARC to the public. The President shall appoint officers, standing and ad-hoc committees, and directors of such committees as s/he sees fit, except where such appointments would infringe upon the powers accorded other officers herein. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall have a $50 transaction limit without approval of the Executive Board or general membership. The President shall have the power to appoint a Chief of Staff, not subject to Executive Board approval, to assist the President in the execution of his or her duties. The President shall report on his or her activities at each YDARC meeting.
Section 3.3 Powers and Duties of the Executive Vice President. The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties. The Executive Vice President shall serve as President Pro-Tempore in the event of the President’s absence. The Executive Vice President shall be chiefly responsible for new membership recruitment, particularly among women and diverse groups. The Executive Vice President shall have the power to appoint a Recruiting Committee, which he or she will chair, to assist with recruitment duties. The Executive Vice President shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3.4. Powers and Duties of the Finance Director. The Finance Director shall maintain records of all receipts and disbursements of funds of the organization in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. The Finance Director shall write checks and make deposits as directed by the Executive Board. The Finance Director shall not have the power to make financial transactions more than $50 without the approval of the Executive Board. The Finance Director shall Report all financial activity at each YDARC meeting. The Finance Director shall keep all organizational financial records in balance. The Finance Director shall prepare the YDARC Annual Budget, to be submitted to the membership for approval. The Finance Director shall plan and execute all fundraising activities, to include at least one major fundraising event per year. The Finance Director shall be responsible for the presentation of new revenue enhancement project ideas and coordination of fundraising projects and events. The Finance Director shall have the power to appoint a Fundraising Committee, which he or she will chair, to assist with fundraising duties. The Finance Director shall have the power to appoint a Fundraising Director, subject to Executive Board approval. The Finance Director shall file all Public Disclosure Commission reports if needed. The Finance Director shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3.5 Powers and Duties of the Communications Director. The Communications Director shall record and preserve minutes of the Executive Committee and membership meetings. The Communications Director shall maintain and update the YDARC website. The Communications Director shall send notification of regular and special YDARC meetings. The Communications Director shall maintain all organizational files and records, including an accurate membership directory, in a safe and orderly manner. The Communications Director shall assure publicity (distribution of press releases, fliers, and posters) prior to YDARC events. The Communications Director shall act as chief Social Media Ambassador and shall have the power to appoint a Publicity Committee, which he or she shall chair, to assist with publicity duties. The Communications Director shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3.6. Powers and Duties of the Community Action Director. The Community Action Director shall plan and coordinate all community service activities of the YDARC subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The Community Action Director shall also be responsible for planning social events and other activities intended to stimulate interest in YDARC membership, and impact policy decisions. All events planned by the Community Action Director shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, or president. Section 3.7 Attendance. If any YDARC officer fails to attend two consecutive YDARC meetings without being excused, such action will be considered an official act of resignation.
Section 3.8 Vacancy. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President at the meeting following the confirmation of the vacancy. Vacancies in all other offices as defined in Article III shall be filled by special election at the meeting immediately following the confirmation of a vacancy. The YDARC President may appoint an interim officer, subject to Executive Board approval, to perform the duties of the office until a special election can be held.
Article IV
Executive Board
Section 4.1 Voting. The following constitutes the voting membership of the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County Executive Board: President, Executive Vice President, Finance Director, Community Action Director, and Communications Director.
Section 4.2 Any member in good standing of YDARC holding a position on the YDG Executive Board or the YDA National Committee shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the YDARC Executive Board. Chapter members who hold elective office in Democratic Party legislative district, county, congressional district, state, or national Committees shall similarly enjoy ex-officio Executive Board membership.
Section 4.3 Meetings. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President at least once per month. At least seven days’ written notice of an Executive Board meeting shall be given to each Executive Board member, including ex-officio members. Such notice shall include, time, date, and location.
Section 4.4 The Executive Board shall function principally as the YDARC Standing Committee on Planning, concentrating upon the following areas: Oversight of all organizational activities; planning of funding and expenditures of all activities, both specific and discretionary; and membership outreach and recruitment.
Section 4.5 All decisions made by the Executive Board are considered recommendations to the YDARC membership, and must be ratified by the membership at the next general YDARC meeting prior to any official public action being taken.
Article V
Removal of Officers
Section 5.1 Impeachment of Elected Officers. Any member in good standing of the YDARC may call for the impeachment of any Officer for reasonable cause, including, but not limited to, failure to perform his or her duties as provided in Article III, gross official misconduct, conduct detrimental to the goals and spirit of the YDARC, and criminal behavior. All calls for impeachment shall be made at a regular membership meeting and be accompanied by a letter detailing the grounds for impeachment, to be read in full before the members present. If the impeached officer is present, such letter shall be presented to him or her. If the impeached officer is not present, such letter shall be submitted to the President or the highest ranking officer present, as appropriate; such officer shall undertake any reasonable effort necessary to deliver or otherwise convey such letter to the impeached officer. If a majority of the body decides that the charges are not proper grounds for removal, said charges shall be dropped and stricken from the record. If a majority of the body determines the charges to be proper grounds for removal, the motion for removal shall be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled full membership meeting. A detailed statement of the charges shall be given to each chapter member at least 14 days before the meeting where impeachment proceedings will be held. The accused officer may send a representative to the meeting if they choose. The officer subject to removal must be given the opportunity to respond at or before the meeting at which removal is considered. Only Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County on the official membership rolls before charges were brought before the membership shall be eligible to vote on the motion for removal. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those present and eligible to vote shall be required for removal of an officer.
Section 5.2 Removal of Appointed Officers. Officers appointed by the president, or any Executive Committee member as a committee chair is subject to removal by majority vote of the Executive Committee under the grounds of reason as stated in Article V, Section 5.1.
Article VI
Section 6.1. The Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County shall meet at the call of the President or three of the other elected YDARC officers at least once per month. At least 5 days’ notice of a chapter meeting shall be sent to each voting member, including time, date, and location by email or phone. No proxy voting allowed.
Section 6.2 Emergency Meetings. If the YDARC Executive Board violates the requirement of Article VI, Section 1, ten voting members or 25% of the voting membership (whichever is fewer) may call a Special Emergency Meeting of the membership. If the call for the Special Emergency Meeting was sent by certified mail to the chapter’s elected officers, elected officer representation is not required to reach quorum. In such a case, 5 voting members shall suffice for quorum. Actions taken by the body at a duly called and held Special Emergency Meeting shall carry the same authority as actions taken at other general membership meetings.
Article VII
Section 7.1. Election of officers shall be held at an annual elections meeting in April. All terms are for one year. Election of officers shall occur in the following order: President, Executive Vice President, Finance Director, Communications Director, and Community Action Director. Officers must be elected by 50% + 1 of the eligible voters attending the elections meeting. An eligible voter shall be any member who has paid dues prior to the convening of the elections meeting. In the event that no candidate achieves majority in the first balloting, a run-off balloting shall be held between the two candidates who received the largest numbers of votes.
Article VIII
Section 8.1. This chapter may choose to show its support of a Democratic candidate for office by issuing an official endorsement subsequent to a vote of the membership at an official meeting.
Section 8.2. This chapter shall not endorse a Democratic candidate in a contested Democratic Primary. A joint endorsement including all Democratic candidates or a sole endorsement of an unopposed candidate shall only require simple majority.
Section 8.3. This chapter shall not endorse a non-Democratic candidate, even if said candidate does not have a Democratic opponent.
Article IX
Amendment Procedure
Section 9.1. Amendments to this constitution shall be adopted only by a three-fourths (75%) vote of the members attending an official chapter meeting, provided members are given a one month advance written notice stating the proposed amendments.
Section 9.2. Amendments to this constitution shall become effective immediately after adjournment of the meeting where the amendments were adopted.
Section 9.3. By-Laws governing this organization, not in conflict with this constitution, may be adopted by a simple majority vote of regular membership at a regularly scheduled YDARC meeting, provided that such proposed By-Laws were included in written form within the official call sent in advance of the meeting.
Article X
Parliamentary Authority
Section 10.1. The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall, govern actions of this organization in all cases in which they do not conflict with this constitution, with the constitution of the Young Democrats of Georgia, or with the charter of the Young Democrats of America.
Section 11.1 Establishment. The President, at his or her discretion, may create any committee for any specific purpose. The President shall also appoint the chairperson of any such committee.
Section 11.2 Conduct. Any such committee shall meet at the discretion of the chairperson, with the approval of the President.
Section 11.3 Dissolution. Any such committee shall exist until dissolved by the President or until its purpose has been achieved.
Section 12.1. In the event that the YDARC dissolves, after all liabilities and obligations are satisfied, all monies remaining in the YDARC treasury shall be transferred to the Young Democrats of Georgia (YDG).
We, the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County, in order to stimulate in young people an active interest in governmental affairs and promote their involvement at all levels of the Democratic Party, to promote the acquisition of political power by young people, to foster the ideals and principles of the highest degree of justice and social welfare, do associate ourselves together and establish this Constitution.
Article I
Name and Affiliation
Section 1.1 Definition. The name of this organization shall be the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County Democrats, hereafter referred to as YDARC.
Section 1.2 Affiliation. YDARC will be chartered and affiliated with the Young Democrats of Georgia (YDG) and endeavor to carry on the work of YDG in Augusta-Richmond County. Through its affiliation with YDG, YDARC shall also be affiliated with the Young Democrats of America (YDA.) The Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County seek a cooperative relationship with the Georgia, Richmond County, and local Democratic Party Committees and shall be guided by the actions of the Democratic Party assembled in state or national convention.
Article II
Section 2.1 Eligibility. Membership in the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County shall be open to any Democrat who resides in Richmond County, who has not yet turned forty years old. The YDARC shall not restrict membership or participation on any basis other than age, political affiliation, and residence.
Section 2.2 Dues. YDARC members are required to pay an annual membership fee of ten dollars, except in the case of financial hardship, and to provide an address, birth date, phone number, and email address (if available.) Dues are valid for one calendar year from the time initial dues were paid.
Section 2.3. The Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County, in keeping with the ideals of equal participation, shall endeavor to increase the membership of women and diverse populations.
Article III
Section 3.1 Elected Officials. The officers of the YDARC shall be the President, the Executive Vice President, the Communications Director, the Finance Director, and the Community Action Director. The officers listed in this section shall be referred to as the Executive Committee.
Section 3.2. Powers and Duties of the President. The President shall be the chief administrative officer of the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County. The President shall encourage and direct participation of members in YDG and local and statewide senior Democratic Party activities. The President shall be the chief representative of the YDARC to the YDG Regional Director. The President shall serve as delegation chair of the YDARC delegation to the State YDG Convention. The President shall direct the implementation of policies adopted and authorized by the YDARC membership. The President shall be the chief representative of YDARC to the public. The President shall appoint officers, standing and ad-hoc committees, and directors of such committees as s/he sees fit, except where such appointments would infringe upon the powers accorded other officers herein. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall have a $50 transaction limit without approval of the Executive Board or general membership. The President shall have the power to appoint a Chief of Staff, not subject to Executive Board approval, to assist the President in the execution of his or her duties. The President shall report on his or her activities at each YDARC meeting.
Section 3.3 Powers and Duties of the Executive Vice President. The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties. The Executive Vice President shall serve as President Pro-Tempore in the event of the President’s absence. The Executive Vice President shall be chiefly responsible for new membership recruitment, particularly among women and diverse groups. The Executive Vice President shall have the power to appoint a Recruiting Committee, which he or she will chair, to assist with recruitment duties. The Executive Vice President shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3.4. Powers and Duties of the Finance Director. The Finance Director shall maintain records of all receipts and disbursements of funds of the organization in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. The Finance Director shall write checks and make deposits as directed by the Executive Board. The Finance Director shall not have the power to make financial transactions more than $50 without the approval of the Executive Board. The Finance Director shall Report all financial activity at each YDARC meeting. The Finance Director shall keep all organizational financial records in balance. The Finance Director shall prepare the YDARC Annual Budget, to be submitted to the membership for approval. The Finance Director shall plan and execute all fundraising activities, to include at least one major fundraising event per year. The Finance Director shall be responsible for the presentation of new revenue enhancement project ideas and coordination of fundraising projects and events. The Finance Director shall have the power to appoint a Fundraising Committee, which he or she will chair, to assist with fundraising duties. The Finance Director shall have the power to appoint a Fundraising Director, subject to Executive Board approval. The Finance Director shall file all Public Disclosure Commission reports if needed. The Finance Director shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3.5 Powers and Duties of the Communications Director. The Communications Director shall record and preserve minutes of the Executive Committee and membership meetings. The Communications Director shall maintain and update the YDARC website. The Communications Director shall send notification of regular and special YDARC meetings. The Communications Director shall maintain all organizational files and records, including an accurate membership directory, in a safe and orderly manner. The Communications Director shall assure publicity (distribution of press releases, fliers, and posters) prior to YDARC events. The Communications Director shall act as chief Social Media Ambassador and shall have the power to appoint a Publicity Committee, which he or she shall chair, to assist with publicity duties. The Communications Director shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 3.6. Powers and Duties of the Community Action Director. The Community Action Director shall plan and coordinate all community service activities of the YDARC subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The Community Action Director shall also be responsible for planning social events and other activities intended to stimulate interest in YDARC membership, and impact policy decisions. All events planned by the Community Action Director shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, or president. Section 3.7 Attendance. If any YDARC officer fails to attend two consecutive YDARC meetings without being excused, such action will be considered an official act of resignation.
Section 3.8 Vacancy. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President at the meeting following the confirmation of the vacancy. Vacancies in all other offices as defined in Article III shall be filled by special election at the meeting immediately following the confirmation of a vacancy. The YDARC President may appoint an interim officer, subject to Executive Board approval, to perform the duties of the office until a special election can be held.
Article IV
Executive Board
Section 4.1 Voting. The following constitutes the voting membership of the Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County Executive Board: President, Executive Vice President, Finance Director, Community Action Director, and Communications Director.
Section 4.2 Any member in good standing of YDARC holding a position on the YDG Executive Board or the YDA National Committee shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the YDARC Executive Board. Chapter members who hold elective office in Democratic Party legislative district, county, congressional district, state, or national Committees shall similarly enjoy ex-officio Executive Board membership.
Section 4.3 Meetings. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President at least once per month. At least seven days’ written notice of an Executive Board meeting shall be given to each Executive Board member, including ex-officio members. Such notice shall include, time, date, and location.
Section 4.4 The Executive Board shall function principally as the YDARC Standing Committee on Planning, concentrating upon the following areas: Oversight of all organizational activities; planning of funding and expenditures of all activities, both specific and discretionary; and membership outreach and recruitment.
Section 4.5 All decisions made by the Executive Board are considered recommendations to the YDARC membership, and must be ratified by the membership at the next general YDARC meeting prior to any official public action being taken.
Article V
Removal of Officers
Section 5.1 Impeachment of Elected Officers. Any member in good standing of the YDARC may call for the impeachment of any Officer for reasonable cause, including, but not limited to, failure to perform his or her duties as provided in Article III, gross official misconduct, conduct detrimental to the goals and spirit of the YDARC, and criminal behavior. All calls for impeachment shall be made at a regular membership meeting and be accompanied by a letter detailing the grounds for impeachment, to be read in full before the members present. If the impeached officer is present, such letter shall be presented to him or her. If the impeached officer is not present, such letter shall be submitted to the President or the highest ranking officer present, as appropriate; such officer shall undertake any reasonable effort necessary to deliver or otherwise convey such letter to the impeached officer. If a majority of the body decides that the charges are not proper grounds for removal, said charges shall be dropped and stricken from the record. If a majority of the body determines the charges to be proper grounds for removal, the motion for removal shall be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled full membership meeting. A detailed statement of the charges shall be given to each chapter member at least 14 days before the meeting where impeachment proceedings will be held. The accused officer may send a representative to the meeting if they choose. The officer subject to removal must be given the opportunity to respond at or before the meeting at which removal is considered. Only Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County on the official membership rolls before charges were brought before the membership shall be eligible to vote on the motion for removal. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those present and eligible to vote shall be required for removal of an officer.
Section 5.2 Removal of Appointed Officers. Officers appointed by the president, or any Executive Committee member as a committee chair is subject to removal by majority vote of the Executive Committee under the grounds of reason as stated in Article V, Section 5.1.
Article VI
Section 6.1. The Young Democrats of Augusta Richmond County shall meet at the call of the President or three of the other elected YDARC officers at least once per month. At least 5 days’ notice of a chapter meeting shall be sent to each voting member, including time, date, and location by email or phone. No proxy voting allowed.
Section 6.2 Emergency Meetings. If the YDARC Executive Board violates the requirement of Article VI, Section 1, ten voting members or 25% of the voting membership (whichever is fewer) may call a Special Emergency Meeting of the membership. If the call for the Special Emergency Meeting was sent by certified mail to the chapter’s elected officers, elected officer representation is not required to reach quorum. In such a case, 5 voting members shall suffice for quorum. Actions taken by the body at a duly called and held Special Emergency Meeting shall carry the same authority as actions taken at other general membership meetings.
Article VII
Section 7.1. Election of officers shall be held at an annual elections meeting in April. All terms are for one year. Election of officers shall occur in the following order: President, Executive Vice President, Finance Director, Communications Director, and Community Action Director. Officers must be elected by 50% + 1 of the eligible voters attending the elections meeting. An eligible voter shall be any member who has paid dues prior to the convening of the elections meeting. In the event that no candidate achieves majority in the first balloting, a run-off balloting shall be held between the two candidates who received the largest numbers of votes.
Article VIII
Section 8.1. This chapter may choose to show its support of a Democratic candidate for office by issuing an official endorsement subsequent to a vote of the membership at an official meeting.
Section 8.2. This chapter shall not endorse a Democratic candidate in a contested Democratic Primary. A joint endorsement including all Democratic candidates or a sole endorsement of an unopposed candidate shall only require simple majority.
Section 8.3. This chapter shall not endorse a non-Democratic candidate, even if said candidate does not have a Democratic opponent.
Article IX
Amendment Procedure
Section 9.1. Amendments to this constitution shall be adopted only by a three-fourths (75%) vote of the members attending an official chapter meeting, provided members are given a one month advance written notice stating the proposed amendments.
Section 9.2. Amendments to this constitution shall become effective immediately after adjournment of the meeting where the amendments were adopted.
Section 9.3. By-Laws governing this organization, not in conflict with this constitution, may be adopted by a simple majority vote of regular membership at a regularly scheduled YDARC meeting, provided that such proposed By-Laws were included in written form within the official call sent in advance of the meeting.
Article X
Parliamentary Authority
Section 10.1. The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall, govern actions of this organization in all cases in which they do not conflict with this constitution, with the constitution of the Young Democrats of Georgia, or with the charter of the Young Democrats of America.
Section 11.1 Establishment. The President, at his or her discretion, may create any committee for any specific purpose. The President shall also appoint the chairperson of any such committee.
Section 11.2 Conduct. Any such committee shall meet at the discretion of the chairperson, with the approval of the President.
Section 11.3 Dissolution. Any such committee shall exist until dissolved by the President or until its purpose has been achieved.
Section 12.1. In the event that the YDARC dissolves, after all liabilities and obligations are satisfied, all monies remaining in the YDARC treasury shall be transferred to the Young Democrats of Georgia (YDG).